Immune Boosting Stir Fry

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This recipe is not only delicious….It has immune boosting powers!!! Between the veggies and the antiviral herbs, you can’t go wrong. Enjoy and stay healthy!!!

1 tbsp sesame oil if you have it, otherwise use olive oil

3-4 green onions cut on the diagonal

1 tbsp white wine (optional)

2-3 carrots sliced into thin diagonals

8 oz of protein of choice diced (tofu, wild caught shrimp, organic chicken, grass fed beef or pork) cooked

5-6 bok choy leaves, thinly sliced

5-6 bok choy stalks thinly sliced

1 cup blanched broccoli florets

3-4 garlic cloves peeled and minced

¾ cups vegetable broth

1tbsp sesame or olive oil, or peanut oil if you have it

1 tbsp rice vinegar

¼ cup low sodium soy sauce

½ tsp or more crushed red pepper flakes

1 tbsp tapioca starch

In a nonstick pan, sauté the onions, garlic, carrots, bok choy, broccoli and the white parts of the green onions in the oil until crisp tender. Add white wine if using, Then add the protein and heat through. Meanwhile, combine the broth, rice vinegar, oil, soy sauce, pepper flakes and tapioca starch. Add to the pan. It should thicken when it heats up (3-4 minutes). Give everything a big stir to coat. Serve topped with sliced green onions (green parts) You may also have this over some cooked brown rice or quinoa.

Credit: Recipe by Andrea Beaman –

Living Well With Kathy
