Customized healthy Eating Recipes & Lifestyle programs

Because Food is Medicine

Living Well With Kathy
Living Well With Kathy

Meet Kathy

Hi there, I’m Kathy Hill and here at, I wish to share with you the incredible story of how changing my diet literally saved my life! I am a ten year plus cancer survivor who owes all my current health and success to my diet and knowledge of healthy living! Join me and let me be your guide for healthily living.

I was diagnosed with stage four lymphoma. After six months of chemotherapy treatments I was cancer free and have been for over 10 years. My oncologist told me the reason I came through the way I did was because of the way I eat. I believe eating clean saved my life. This is why I am so passionate about being a health coach. I am living proof that what you put into your body matters and I want to help others be a healthy as they can be.

Certified in holistic cooking and Herbalism. I received my training as a Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s cutting-edge Health Coach Training Program. During my training, I studied over 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts.


I chose Plexus as my product partner over four years ago, and as a holistic health coach, it was one of the smartest decisions that I have ever made.

Prior to Plexus, I didn’t believe in supplements. I thought because I ate healthy and exercised, I didn’t need them. But the truth is, I was still drinking five to six cups of coffee a day taking sleep meds at night and had a daily chocolate craving. I was bloated and had digestive issues. I learned that it was pretty obvious, I needed something more. Thankfully I was introduced to Plexus!

The Plexus products are very UNIQUE. They feature ingredients that most supplements don’t have. For example, the ALOE in our X-Factor is unusual. Most multi-vitamins don’t have aloe, which is an ingredient that increases the absorption of vitamins and minerals by 200% (plus aloe is considered a superfood).

Slim has Alpha Lipoic Acid as an ingredient. Our Mega X has a unique source of omegas, that comes from the Ahi flower. No one else has that! The Ahi flower is amazing and has one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory properties in the world! Our Ease products feature New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel, which is also a unique ingredient that helps decrease inflammation in the body! Have you heard that inflammation is the precursor to most major disease in this country?

You cannot go to, GNC, Walmart Walgreens or CVS and find this quality of ingredients.