Immune Boosting Asian Vegetable Soup

We had this for breakfast every morning when we were in China a couple of years ago and absolutely loved it. This recipe is not set in stone. You can use any combination of your favorite veggies, but make sure to always include, garlic, ginger, carrot, greens, mushrooms, and scallions. Makes 1 serving

2 cups vegetable broth

Pinch of nori flakes (or any sea vegetable of choice)

1 tsp grated fresh ginger

1 chopped garlic clove

1 tbsp fresh parsley chopped

½ carrot sliced thin

Chopped greens of choice (kale, collards, bok choy)

3-4 whole mushrooms sliced

5-6 small broccoli florets

¼ cip thinly sliced daikon radish

1 scallion chopped

2 oz thin rice noodles

1 tsp miso

Bring broth and nori to a boil. Add vegetables and rice noodles, cover and boil for 4 minutes. Add a couple of tbsp of the hot liquid to the miso to dissolve. Add the miso to the soup. Simmer (not boil) for 1 minute. Top with scallions and toasted sunflower seeds (optional)

Living Well With Kathy
