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Programs & Courses

Programs Avalible:

6 Month Coaching Program

I am a firm believer in investing in your health. You can pay for the cost of healthy food and lifestyle changes now, or pay the healthcare costs later. It’s that simple. Food is definitely medicine if you’re putting the right things into your body. I’m living proof of that and want to help you be your best you!!!

Some of the benefits you may experience include preventing and managing chronic disease and improvements in weight, sleep, skin, gut health, digestive health, energy levels and moods, caffeine and sugar addictions, headaches, stress levels, hormonal balance, productivity, family health and children’s weight.

I will work with you one-on-one to create a step-by-step path to wellness, and support you through dietary and lifestyle adjustments designed to help you live a better quality, healthier and happier life.

Individual coaching services are 2, 50 minute coaching sessions per month, for 6 months via phone, Facetime or Zoom meetings and include the following support:

  • Lifestyle adjustments to build a lifetime of wellness

  • Informative books and handouts (based on individual clients and goals)

  • Cost for all of the above is $195.00 per month for 6 months or $1020.00 if paid in full (Savings of $150.00)

Become A Health Coach

Are You Ready for a Life-changing Career That Also Changes Lives?

The mission of The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) is to “play a crucial role in improving health and happiness, and through that process, create a ripple effect that transforms the world.”

IIN students are inspired by experts who are at the forefront of wellness. These distinguished speakers are the leading doctors, PhDs, researchers and authorities in nutrition today. You will learn from the best of the best, and the nutrition theories they teach will give you a broad palette of information to draw from when you start working with your own clients as an Institute for Integrative Nutrition® health coach. Paired with our online course, you will receive exclusive lectures and training from these experts and friends of Integrative Nutrition.

Just a Few of the Experts

  • Walter Willett, MD: Chair of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health Chair of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard’s School of Public Health as well as the author of Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating.

  • Andrew Weil, MD: Director of Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona A best-selling author whose books include: Spontaneous Healing and Eight Weeks to Optimal Health. Dr. Weil is a Harvard Medical School graduate and world-renowned expert on medicinal herbs, mind-body interactions and healing systems. He also started the Integrative Medicine program at the University of Arizona.

  • Deepak Chopra: World leader in the field of mind-body medicine A holistic healer and author of more than 50 books translated into over 35 languages. Deepak is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and one of Time Magazine’s “Top 100 heroes and icons of the century” and “the poet-prophet of alternative medicine.”

This program can be done anywhere, and the curriculum can be accessed 24/7 on the IIN App. The Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Training Program teaches you how to work with clients one-on-one, and run group programs and workshops in settings such as corporations, spas, health clubs, doctors’ offices, schools and more.

Integrative Nutrition covers cutting-edge and holistic nutrition concepts along with modern health issues that you won’t always find in a traditional nutrition program. Integrative Nutrition graduates are highly respected by clients and healthcare providers. They receive referrals and are eagerly invited to work in medical offices, chiropractic clinics and other professional settings.

Would you like more information about becoming a fabulous health coach? Email me at [email protected]

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21 Day Real Food Challenge

A 21 day kick start to get you on your way to health and happiness. Several pounds and inches have been lost here. You can eat as much real food as you want. No calorie counting. If you are hungry, eat! Just choose foods that are on the approved list. Recipes and meal plans, complete with meal prep instructions and grocery lists are included. Cost is $65.00 per person.
Contact me to find out when the next challenge begins at [email protected]